It seems there is light at the end of the tunnel with the arrival of March very soon, which hopefully leaves the snow behind and the greening of pastures for the animals. Now we will begin the windup and countdown until market seasons begin. As soon as the grass is visible there will be fences to mend, cleanup to be completed and preparations for pigs and chickens...oh and did I mention that currently we are awaiting the arrival of 7 Black Angus calves. It is going to be a busy spring!
My mother always used to harp on the coming of spring and the arrival of housework, the old "spring cleaning" theory, and the ultimate lists for my father of things that needed to be done. So here at Open Meadow Farm we have begun compiling our "to do" lists and boy are they long. I must admit I am a fair weather person, mind you I will go snow blow the driveway or shovel when needed, but I would much rather sit by a cozy fire with a cup of tea and contemplate what I should make for dinner. So as for today since I am not needed in the cold outdoors I chose to update you all on our family farm....the rest of the family is clearing the drive and heading out to tend the animals. Please don't forget to keep us in mind when you cannot decide to make for dinner this week, we are available year round, rain, snow or sleet (just like the mailman) and have fabulous products for the whole family.
Until next time when I have a few minutes to sit down...remember to choose local and support your local farms.