Saturday, July 13, 2013

Summer has come in with a vengance bringing all that sticky humidity, yuck, even the animals are panting..ever see a chicken pant, it's quite amusing really!  So enough about the weather..I get it it's summer and it is suppossed to be hot, as I've said before I'm a spring and fall kind of person but work must get done in all kinds of weather.


First bit of news.....OUR FARM STAND IS OPEN!!!!  Please stop by and say hello check out our meat selection as well as FRESH LOCAL PRODUCE.  That's right we are into the produce as well as meat business here at Open Meadow Farm. 
Our backyard has blossomed into a banquet of green, reds and purples.  All that nasty spring rain played havoc with our planting so we were off to a late start but we are well under way now.  We are selling local produce from other farms until our own products become available, and hopefully soon you'll be able to try our own homegrown produce.  We have tomatoes, zucchini, radishes, beets. kale, spinach, lettuce, scallions, cherries, strawberries and local corn on the cob!  Quite the variety and it is only July, we will have blueberries in August and cucumbers and peppers are right around the corner.

Below I've attached a few photos of the chickens and cows so you can see where they reside.  These newly designed for 2013 chicken tractors are working out fantastic.  They give plenty of room for the chickens to move around while allowing us to get into them without crouching...this new design compliments of Farmer Chuck himself, he's very creative.  Check out the plush green pasture they get to explore too compliments of mother nature.

 Here are some additional photos of the cattle in their lush green pasture.  I assume they are not remembering much of the rain from last month but have instead benefited from it.

Well that is all for now but please come stop by the farm stand for local produce and our own beef, pork and chicken located at our home 5 Leominster Shirley Rd Lunenburg.  You can also still find us at the Marblehead farmer's market on Saturday mornings....we'll keep you updated as to where else our travels take us.

Eat local and support our farmers!

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Spring has Sprung

It has certainly been a long cold winter this year but with the arrival of spring, actually it feels a little like summer, business is getting busy. We've started some progress on those lists I mentioned before.  One such plan is the opening of our new Farm Stand located right here in Lunenburg in front of our home at 5 Leominster Shirley Rd.  It is expected to be up and running late May or early June.  We'll also be adding to our line of meat products with fresh produce.....fill the bag with one stop shopping!

We decided this year to stay a little closer to home and so we will not be going to the Middleton or Billerica Farmers Market this if you were one of our regulars there please check out our Meat Buyers Club where you can get all of our products delivered strait to your door once a month.  You will still find us in Marblehead on Saturday mornings from June 15th through November.

When I said we were busy so were some of our are a few photos of our newest arrivals:

And the newest arrival at home is a border collie named Cora whom we hope when she gets a little bigger will help us out with herding. She first looked at the cows like "what the heck it that" but once she got over her initial barking she simply looked like "whatever". Hopefully with some training she will roll into her position of pig, cow and chicken herder.

I like most of you find cooking in the summer a challenge with a business to run, kids to transport places and a household to try and keep together it can be a lot of work.  I'd like to offer a couple suggestions from our extensive list of products.  

Starting with beef kabobs that are already cut into pieces to marinate and then skewer with some locally raised veggies for an easy meal on the grill.  If you are little more adventurous then try taking one of our small chickens and grilling it "spatchcock" style.  Never heard of it well it is simple once you get that technique down: you have to cut the backbone out along the spine with a sharp knife or kitchen shears and then make a small slit inside the breastbone to remove it and the chicken flattens out nicely to grill.  If you go to utube you can find some great videos demonstrating the process which is quite easy after you have done it once.

Until next time remember to buy local and eat fresh.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Wintery Work

Okay so the winter it appears is no less busy than the summer months around here just for different reasons.  In the summer we are contending with feeding more animals, pigs, chickens and cows but now in the winter with only cows it seems we are contending with the weather.  As yet today is another snowy day and the future forecast for the week doesn't look much better, cloudy with chances of snow for at least 3 other days this week.

Although there is snow in the air, and on the ground, the animals still need tending and the help (by help I mean the kids and I) are again weary of venturing out to shovel and get to the fields.  I've added a few photos of the snow we dug out with the Blizzard of 2013!  The animals go with it and the people well they deal with it.  With the anticipated arrival of all that snow we battened down the hatches and added a little more feed to make the cows comfortable and help with cold.
 After all they do have fur and leather coats to keep warm and we had our hats, gloves and snow pants, but that did not make it any easier for my husband on the seat of the tractor with all that wind blowing.

It seems there is light at the end of the tunnel with the arrival of March very soon, which hopefully leaves the snow behind and the greening of pastures for the animals.  Now we will begin the windup and countdown until market seasons begin.  As soon as the grass is visible there will be fences to mend, cleanup to be completed and preparations for pigs and chickens...oh and did I mention that currently we are awaiting the arrival of 7 Black Angus calves.  It is going to be a busy spring!

My mother always used to harp on the coming of spring and the arrival of housework, the old "spring cleaning" theory, and the ultimate lists for my father of things that needed to be done.  So here at Open Meadow Farm we have begun compiling our "to do" lists and boy are they long.  I must admit I am a fair weather person, mind you I will go snow blow the driveway or shovel when needed, but I would much rather sit by a cozy fire with a cup of tea and contemplate what I should make for dinner.  So as for today since I am not needed in the cold outdoors I chose to update you all on our family farm....the rest of the family is clearing the drive and heading out to tend the animals.  Please don't forget to keep us in mind when you cannot decide to make for dinner this week, we are available year round, rain, snow or sleet (just like the mailman) and have fabulous products for the whole family.

Until next time when I have a few minutes to sit down...remember to choose local and support your local farms.