Thursday, April 26, 2012

Well it is late right now but since I have not written anything for a while I should update everyone with things going on.  This Saturday we will be at the Marshfield Fairgrounds for their winter market from 10-1 if you want to stop by.  We have begun organizing our Meat Buyers Club and Farmers Market Club for the summer season if you want info on that please email me.  Also we've been busy with our 2012 Pre-order chicken sales, the more you pre-buy the greater the savings, perfect option if you are more the chicken lover than the beef lover.

Well enough about promoting our business, let's just get down to business.  In a couple weeks our first group of chicks for the year will arrive and we plan on taking you on their journey here at Open Meadow Farm.  We'll introduce you to the little guys and keep you updated on their growth as well as how my little people help around here.  I know in classrooms across the country, well at least in Lunenburg, there are chicks getting ready to hatch but wait until we post pictures of the 300 chicks that arrive here on one morning.

Okay I'm done for now but I will be back soon after all a farmer's work or a farmer's wife's work is never really goes on and on and on.  Until next local.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Okay so I already witnessed my first mistake right there on the first line...the date...sorry.  I'm sure there will be many more to come, I never said I was a scholar.


April 12, 20122

Well here is day one of my posts if anyone out there is interested.  I will try to keep up to date and please call me out if you have not seen a current post but things are about to get hairy...or should I say CRAZY!  

300 chicks will arrive in just over month, summer markets begin in June, the new pigs are still a little skittish (especially around the wild turkey that got in their pen on Easter morning), the summer pasture is not all set yet and there is still burning to do with all the brush we piled up.  Not to mention that we still have the Mass Local Coop to do every month and the online store to keep updating, of course I should not complain because I guess if we are busy then business must be growing.

Okay I guess I'll stop for today because just writing about everything has made me tired.  The kids are home now and homework, snacks, dinner and soccer must take precedence...a woman's work, excuse me the "farmer's wife's" work is never done.

Until next time, remember to eat local!

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